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We offer Spanish, French, Chinese Tutoring, Private, Semi Private lessons and Homework Clubs . Homework clubs takes place on Thursdays for Spanish , Wednesdays for French and Fridays for Chinese after school (6 pm) and are designed for students in high school enrolled in any languages (French, Spanish, Chinese) in any given level who are in need of help with hard to do assignments by a language instructor's elaboration and scaffolding. There are few slots available for any given pod (Spanish, French or Chinese level 1,2,3) which is first come first serve. The pod availability opens on Monday and stays open until full or up to 24 hours to start time. There are maximum 4 students in each pod and each student get chance to bring up the question/assignment he/she wishes to have help with. The instructor in turn help each student either in separate room or in group to complete, correct, proof read the challenging assignment. Book your spot at least 24 hours before in CONTACT US.
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